Wednesday, February 6, 2019


American Post-Gazette
Distributed by C O M M O N S E N S E in Arizona
February 5, 2019


Did Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes steal three statewide 2018 mid-term elections? In collusion with his Democrat comrades, did Fontes orchestrate the biggest voter fraud in Arizona history, giving the Democrats a U.S. Senate seat, the Secretary of State’s Office, and the State School Superintendent’s Office?

If yes, this theft began before the post-election counting of dropped off “mail in ballots.” It began before election day. It even began long before the infamous “emergency voting” locations the weekend before election day. That was all part of the scheme, but Fontes began his subterfuge almost two years earlier, the day he took office.

What was touted as outreach to all potential voters and an effort to thwart “voter suppression” (one of the Left’s biggest bogeymen), Fontes systematically went throughout the county registering anyone who had a pulse. Hiding behind a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that you don’t need to show any identification in order to register and vote for federal offices, over the next 18 months, Fontes ballooned the registration rolls by tens of thousands. It didn’t and doesn’t matter to him whether you are a citizen or not--if you can breathe (or if you ever took a breath), register to vote.

On election night, with “mail in” ballots received prior to election day and day-of-voting counted, Republicans were leading in all statewide offices, some by substantial margins. The only close race was for the U.S. Senate. “Miraculously,” three flipped for the Dems.

Here’s how Fontes could have finished the theft:
With those fraudulent voters in hand, the next steps to a stolen election were easy.
(1) Collude with Democrat candidates in setting up “emergency voting” locations only in heavily Democrat precincts. Publicize the fact that “NO ID IS REQUIRED” to vote at these locations. (Despite the fact that it is Arizona law that photo ID is required to vote for state and local officers.)
(2) Take those “emergency voting” location ballots and throw them in with the rest of the “mail in” ballots, so they can’t be traced. (Can you say “cover up?”)
(3) Beginning the day after the election, “mail in” ballots that were dropped off on election day and provisional ballots began to be counted. Simple: any questionable Republican-marked ballot was just tossed aside--no effort to rehabilitate the ballot. All Democrat-marked ballots were rehabilitated and counted. 

That’s how you steal an election. Fontes and his Democrat comrades across the nation have perfected voter fraud, that we do know. They begin by registering non-citizens (or even dead people); then finish the theft by counting few, if any, questionable Republican ballots and by counting all questionable Democrat ballots. It’s ingenious because it’s almost impossible to catch. Fontes controls the entire process, padding the voter rolls to begin with, and covering his tracks of “rehabbed” questionable and “emergency voting” ballots.

In the 1976 movie Network, tv news anchor Howard Beale famously shouted: “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!” If you are not “mad as hell,” you are not paying attention.

Reportedly there is an investigation by Attorney General Mark Brnovich into this potential criminal activity. We need to put public pressure on him to make certain the investigation is as thorough as possible. Perhaps more importantly, we need to put pressure on the County Board of Supervisors (BOS) to take the Elections Department away from the Recorder’s Office. It’s the BOS’s responsibility by statute anyway. And regardless of what any investigation may come up with, Fontes has proven with just one election cycle he can’t be trusted.

And finally, we need to stay “mad as hell” until this is resolved, otherwise there no longer will be any election result that can be trusted.

For the Love of Life, Liberty and Property,
Samuel Adams