Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Deep State Cover

 I had jury duty today. A friend of mine laughed when I told him about it, he said, “I just rip those cards up when they come in the mail.” I was like, “You can do that?”

Apparently not, it is against state law to blow that off, at least in the state that I’m in. I’m not sure how well that’s enforced. There’s not a lot in the news about it, although in 20xx only have of the jurors showed up and they brought in 50 of them to be fined, out of 5000 who didn’t show up. That’s only one tenth of one percent. So you’re enforcing this law for one tenth of one percent of the population, why bother at all?

A few years ago, I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing something like that. But the people in charge of the deep state have jacked up the legal system so much by using law enforcement, particularly the FBI and Justice departments for so many dirty tricks at this point that its become almost necessary at this point to resist them at every opportunity. They used to have good people there, but I think those days are gone.

I’ll give you an example. I just finished a book about FBI agent John O’Neill who was actually doing his job and trying to warn people about Osama Bin Laden. During the Cole investigation in the late 90s when the USS Cole was bombed in Yemen, O’Neill took a team of FBI agents in their to investigate the bombing.

O’Neill runs into the Ambassador, a political hack named Bodine, who does everything she can to obstruct the investigation. Bodine lobbied for the Navy to sail into Yemen and insisted that the waters were safe. Then the the USS Cole was attacked. And the FBI agents weren’t safe there either, there were persistent efforts to scout out their quarters by would-be terrorists. How this woman Bodine kept her job...well I would say how this woman kept her job is a mystery, but the deep state protects their own, no matter how incompetent and destructive they can be.

O’Neil was eventually hounded out of the FBI and got a job as head of security at the World Trade Center. He was killed on September 11, 2001.

Barbara Boding continued to bad-mouth O’Neil after his death. She’s a ‘Distinguished’ Professor at Georgetown University. That’s the deep state protecting its own, isn’t it?

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