Friday, January 5, 2024

What do you bring to the table?

 This has been going around for a while, because I guess some men have been asking, "What do you bring to the table?" or at least some youtubers have been asking that. So these idiots have been answering that with, "I AM the table."

So, since they're too damn dumb to understand the metaphor, let me spell it out for you. The table is a metaphor for the relationship. So when you say, "I AM the table," you're saying "I AM the relationship." Maybe you think that's true, but nobody else does. You are not the entire relationship. There are two people there. If you think you ARE the relationship, you WILL BE the relationship, because you'll end up alone. So, I suggest you think of a better answer, that involves what you are bringing to the relationship. Or else you won't have one.

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