Sunday, August 4, 2024

Refugees Welcome in software package

 I had a really weird thing happen to me today. I was running R test scripts through a pipeline and saw this in some of the html output:

## black lives matter
## refugees welcome

I couldn't figure out how it was getting into the code, I didn't put it there. Then I figured out it was coming from the startup messages when you load the library. This one specifically:


And when that library was loaded, these lines would print out to the screen. The library was made be a German social scientists. Some of the board data science neckbeards here:

Got snarky and told anyone who mentioned that this was unprofessional behavior, to not use the software. That's fine, but what if I wrote that package and put:

Trump 2024

When the library loaded. I suspect they would cry like the whiny little bitches they are.

No, offense.

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