Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Stackoverflow.con Game

You ever notice some IT guys don't take criticism too well? Especially fake IT guys. Here's a post that was voted, and then deleted by the moderators criticizing the mods on 

The internet is forever, dicks.

The mod that originally closed the post came in and whined like a little bitch after the poster called them a bunch of Richards. I looked at his user site on Stack Overflow. Although the mod had over 277k points on the site, it said he only had reached like 63k people. 

The individual who posted had only 2400 points on the site. Yet he had reached over 330k users before he punched out. How is that possible?

I looked up the mod, and his most accepted answer was one that was posted when the site was young, he had answered a pretty rudimentary question about class objects in Java. And his bio said he was working to learn html and css, also pretty low-level scripting languages. So how did he get all those points? The whole thing was bizarre, and can only be explained by jobless tossers gaming the site's rules to boost their scores.  

These guys think Stack Overflow is dying:

Yes, but the poster on the metastackexchange link above is getting it all wrong, as usually. Their bitch is the company that bought Stack Overflow isn't woke enough. Stack Overflow is dying, because the mods are too woke. The mods are acting like a bunch of woke bitches that were given participation trophies, pissing off the user community, which has quite a different attitude and lifestyle than the mods:

1) They've had sex with girls, and by that I don't mean masturbating while paying their favorite only fans 304

2) They weigh less than 300 lbs and don't have purple hair

3) They moved out Mom's basement a long time ago

4) The sight of an AR-15 doesn't make them shit their pants

5) They have a job where they don't have to put an Uber or Lyft sign on their dashboard.

No offense to people who call themselves Hovercraft and Dragonboy, or whatever.

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